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I’ve written several articles about church marketing and recently have been publishing articles about church marketing through search engine optimization. In my last article I talked about ways your church can optimize its website to show up in the search engines when people search. In this article I’ll look at some thing NOT to do. Tricks and traps that you need to avoid.

There are certain practices that the search engines tell us they do not approve of. This is generally known in the SEO world as “Black Hat” SEO. The search engines warn that they will punish website that employ these tactics and possibly ban the site. Here are a few of the more common “Black Hat” practices:

• Keyword Stuffing: This is the practice of putting a bunch of keywords VIOBET88
on a page, in a META tag, in an alt tag, etc. for the purpose of influencing the search engines. This is not to be confused with simply using keywords in these elements, but when you use the keywords you shouldn’t just stick a bunch of keywords in some chaotic fashion. The text should make sense and should not just be a list of keywords.
• Tricking the Search Engines with Irrelevant Keywords: This is when you use certain keywords in the behind the scenes elements of a page to make it look like a page is about one topic, when the actual subject matter is something completely different. I’ve actually seen some churches doing this where they use keywords like “gambling” or some other vice in the hopes that someone looking for a gambling site will stumble across their page and read the Gospel or be told that what their doing is a sin. The page isn’t actually about gambling, but they are trying to trick the search engines into thinking it is so the show up in gambling related search results. It would be better for them to just create a page about gambling additions.
• Cloaking: When cloaking you actually have two web pages. One page is designed for the search engines and the other is for human visitors. The server is set to deliver the page designed for search engines to the search spider so they do not see the page designed for the humans and vice versa. Cloaking is sometimes done for the simple reason of the designer not finding a way to implement SEO practices in a way that still presents an attractive and compelling design to human visitors. Other times cloaking is much more insidious where search engines are shown a page about one subject and then humans are shown a about a completely different (and often unwanted) subject.
• Doorway pages: Doorway pages are pages designed for the search engines that human visitors never actually see. Unlike cloaking, a human visitor may actually go to the page, but they are quickly redirected to another page, sometimes so fast that the visitor doesn’t even realize they were redirected.
• Hiding Content: Along with Keyword Stuffing, this is probably the most common “Black Hat” technique because this is something average, everyday webmasters can come up with and implement very easily. Hidden content can be done in several ways. Sometimes people hide text behind a picture. Other times they make the text so small people can’t read it. Another common way to hide content is by making the text the same color as the background. How ever it’s done, the idea is to put text on the page that humans won’t see, but search engines will.

All of these tactics are designed to trick the search engines. The search engine people don’t like that. I never recommend using black hat techniques in church marketing (or any other marketing for that matter). They are just too risky and you should be able to get the same desired results from good Search Engine Optimization practices. Be aware, if you do use some of these techniques, you may get away with it for a while and may even see great rewards, but most sites get caught. In the end, it isn’t worth it if you get punished or banned!!

Take Charge of Your Finances: Tips On Budgeting

In today’s world it is becoming more and more difficult for the average person to get by financially with the ever increasing day to day costs of simply existing.  With the ongoing increases in mortgage rates, fuel costs and even food, a large proportion of people are finding that every month is one unhappy struggle.

More and more people are therefore looking for additional sources of income outside of their day to day job to cater for these exorbitant living costs.  These include working a second job or joining a new work from home business.  Some are even resorting to gambling to try and bridge the financial shortfall.

How would you like to make money playing games?  With the booming MERPATI SLOT88
skill games industry in full flow an ever increasing number of people are developing their skills in the online entertainment industry.  Unlike gambling which is down to pure luck, the outcome of a skill game is down to the skill level of the participant.  Admittedly, only a very small percentage of the global skill gaming population treat this pastime as an income generator but stories are beginning to emerge of a select bunch who are making a fantastic living from this pursuit. 

Getting good at a skill game(s) is really no different from achieving a high level of competence in any other discipline.  All you need to do is practice religiously day in day out and your ability will naturally increase.  Find a skill games website that you like and more importantly a game or two that takes your fancy.  Most sites allow you to play for free for as long as you like, so make sure you do this before you even consider uploading funds.  Whatever game(s) you select, ensure that you understand the rules fully so that you do not forfeit any potential score bonuses.  You must understand that when you ultimately play for money you are going to be playing people who have themselves reached a good standard; you therefore want to ensure that you give yourself every possible advantage.

When you have decided that it is time to make money playing games, upload your funds to your online account.  To begin with, start playing one on one for a low wager and do not be tempted to increase this just because you have won a few games.  Treat this as a business and try not to get to excited and emotional about the whole process.  When you feel supremely confident and are winning 70% of your games, then and only then up the game wager.

When you have developed your skill level to a very high standard, you should consider entering the multiplayer tournaments; this is where the big bucks are there for the taking.  The tournaments may vary in time scale and entry fee level but this

Get Started – Begin Playing Stickman Games

Are you someone who enjoys going online and playing games to relax or have fun? Do you enjoy playing online games on your laptop when you have a few moments to spare? Whatever the case might be, you definitely need to know more about stickman games. Even if you have never heard about stickman games, if you are into the online gaming world, you can certainly benefit by learning more about these games. These games are based on the traditional stick figure that most of us have drawn as children. This might sound rather simplistic, but you would be surprised to learn just how entertaining stickman games can be. These games can be highly entertaining for guys as well as gals.

There are also practically no age limitations on who can enjoy these games. indoslot 
While you will find that many of the stickman games that are available today are suited for adults and involve shooting and fighting action, there are also plenty of stickman games that are suitable for children as well.One of the aspects that have made these games so popular is the fact that they are based on the rather traditional and simplistic stickman figure. Everyone is familiar with the figures; so this makes the learning curve short. What makes stickman games really cool is the fact that the figures are animated, allowing you to have plenty of fun.You might also be surprised at just how challenging these games are. In fact, many people discover that it takes a few times before they are able to pass certain aspects of the games in order to be able to move on to the more advanced levels. This is particularly true with the sniper and shooting stickman games and even the fighting games. In fact, there are many different levels of the

games that can be attained and many of the stickman games have been issued within a series. Some people find the games to be so challenging they can easily spend a few hours playing as they hone their skills without even realizing it.Stickman games might seem somewhat simplistic, but you can be assured that they are quite complicated. This is definitely good news for people who are looking for an online gaming challenge. There are plenty of stickman games available to choose from and perhaps even better is the fact that they are free to play and can be easily accessed online. As a result, you can easily go from one game to another. There are also many different choices that can be made

within the games themselves. As a result, no matter what your taste or style might happen to be, you can be certain you will find a stickman game that is challenging, interesting and fun to play.Many people are surprised at how a concept that is relatively simple could be so challenging, intriguing and fun at the same time. Although they are simple, stickman games have the potential to keep you entertained while immersing yourself in a fantasy world while you are removed from reality. If you happen to have a stressful job or you are buried under cramming for exams in college, this can be a good way to release some tension and have some fun at the same time.As more and more stickman games are released you will find plenty of opportunities to go online and compete with your friends as you build your skills. You never have to worry about paying a fee to play, ensuring that no matter how much you play you can keep on building your skills.

Tower Defence Games Are The Most Wholehearted Games For The Kids

Engaged in an interesting procedure of a PC games like FIFA, Half Lifestyle, or Reverse Strike? You do want to create success until one more units but nothing seems to perform as you try to get over that ultimate impediment. Either you create the wrong shift or run out of “life” or “ammo”. To make sure that you overcome that ultimate frontier and enjoy a PC games shift through, games professionals and developers put in games tips to help passionate gamers.Strategies For PC Games

These ‘cheats’ are, however, not to be taken in their adverse significance. stasiunplay 
These are like additional bonuses which help you to reach precious metal with regards to points or add to your units re-fill and guide you in handling a PC games shift through. You can also create your gamer last lengthy in the overall games. All these may go a lengthy way in allowing you to win the overall games. These techniques are the handiwork of games developers who place these ‘codes’ in the overall games and these can have a huge effect on the course of the overall games. Some of the requirements lead to a series of crazy activities such as transferring off severity and others which may area you in a soups especially if you are linked to a multi-player games. It is up to you to decide the appropriate time at which you would create use of these requirementsStrategies For PC Games

Though depending on these techniques completely would do no good to your gamer abilities, it is good to use some of these at times. You can use it to see how the overall games performs and try to take it on your own from when forward that you play.Strategies For PC Games

PC game titles are not only recommended for amusement. Some of these need to be performed quite efficiently. The experience courses are offered to support the gamers to success by indicating the key to get over the next challenge. The easy option these PC games techniques is an indicator of the growing efforts by developers to first create and then break the requirements of the game titles.

If you are doing offers like Up-date, you can discover these invisible requirements for an effective objective. The game titles have a PVP function for which the requirements do not perform. The stage is thus set on equivalent argument for both the groups. There are various game titles that follow the same function.

These games techniques or charts can be of excellent help when you are examining the overall games on your own before making one more purchase. All you need to do is to obtain the overall games from the web and then place the value to see if the overall games perform for you. However, you should be cautious while installing these games courses so that you do not end up installing germs that may cause excellent damage to your PC.

In case you are thinking where to access these games techniques to create sure that you have a PC games shift through. There are several conversation boards, weblogs sites and strings on websites that are devoted to PC game titles and have success techniques. You can easily be a part of any of these boards that include conversation of your preferred PC game titles and discuss your details and encounters on these systems too.